All Topics
Inline edit for a column doesn’t work
2Bug: Conflict with the WooCommerce Cost of Good plugin
1Highlight Quantity > 1 in product details meta
1Automatic license update for renewed plugin?
1ACF add-on : Taxonomy bug with ACF homepage page type
3Exporting date published shows time
7Inline editing for published date
5Smart Filters with serialized data
1Composer SSL error
3JetEngine Relation with users
1Yoast SEO columns «SEO Title» and «Meta desc.» not visible
1My Column sets have disappeared
4How to deal with custom field that is an array
2ACF WPML admincolumns synchronize with inline editing
5Gravity Forms Entry Date formatting ignored
1No paging after Admin Column activation
1WPForms User Registration Addon problem
2Admin Column is Breaking the Users
1Error with latest ACF 3.0
2Error when bulk edit ACF custom taxonomy field
3Feature Request: Export option for Media Library
1Cannot sort with Pods fields
13Serious issues with ACP 5.7
4Admin Columns Pro – Ninja Forms
1Admin Column not reflecting value of ACF field
2Export all data
2Adding ACP – JetEngine Plugin Resets ALL Settings!
3Confusing caution
1Bugs on las actualización (edition exportation)
7Is pricing going to continue to jump every year?!