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Rosanne van Staalduinen

Export not working

Hi guys,

I try to export an order overview with 9 orders. I do see a notice that 9 orders are being exported, but it keeps on loading without any result. If I check the console I see a “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()” error. The attached link shows a critical error.

We use a column with invoice numbers from the WooCommerce PDF Invoice & Packaging slip and a column with the VAT number from the EU VAT Checker plugin. Could one of this columns cause the issue? All other columns are default WooCommerce columns.

2 years, 6 months ago
Rosanne van Staalduinen

Ah, it’s EU VAT Checker:

Een fout van het type E_ERROR werd veroorzaakt op regelnummer 99 van het bestand /www/xxx_946/public/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-eu-vat-number/includes/class-wc-eu-vat-admin.php. Foutmelding: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_billing_country() on null in /www/xxx_946/public/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-eu-vat-number/includes/class-wc-eu-vat-admin.php:99
Stack trace:
#0 /www/xxx_946/public/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-eu-vat-number/includes/class-wc-eu-vat-admin.php(258): WC_EU_VAT_Admin::is_eu_order(NULL)
#1 /www/xxx_946/public/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): WC_EU_VAT_Admin::show_column('eu_vat', 81332)
#2 /www/xxx_946/public/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
#3 /www/xxx_946/public/wp-includes/plugin.php(476): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#4 /www/xxx_946/public/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php(1349): do_action('manage_shop_ord...', 'eu_vat', 81332)
#5 /www/xxx_946/public/wp-content/plugins/admin-columns-pro/admin-columns/classes/ListTable/Post.php(24): WP_Posts_List_Table->column_default(Object(WP_Post), 'eu_vat')
#6 /www/xxx_946/public/wp-content/plugins/admin-columns-pro/classes/Export/Strategy.php(162): AC\Li

Is this something you can help with or do I need to contact EU VAT Checker? I disabled this column for the export for now, but I would be awesome if we could fix this.

And is it possible to also export the column with the invoice number? This is added by the plugin itself so the admin columns. Is it also possible to do this with Admin Columns so it could be exported?

2 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Rosanne,

I don’t have the EU Vat checker plugin at my disposal, but based on the error I suspect that the column expects to work on a global variable that is not available during the export from our plugin. We try to export third-party columns, but it really depends on the plugin that provides the column if it actually works.

I believe that this issue should be fixed in the value rendering of that specific column. This is not something that we can change on our side.

Is it correct that your invoice number is the same as your Order number?
In that case, you should be able to use our Order Number column which also has export support.
When you have a custom field that contains the invoice number, you could use the custom field column in order to display and export that information.

2 years, 6 months ago
Rosanne van Staalduinen

Thanks for your quick reply Stefan.

I’ve deleted the column with the invoice numbers which was added by the invoice plugin itself. I was able to add the invoice number using a custom field. This does work in the export file so that’s awesome.

I will contact WooCommerce about the EU VAT Number plugin to see if they perhaps can fix the issue.

2 years, 6 months ago

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