All Topics
Generate a filtering url programmatically
5Bug with disabling “Row Actions”
4The hierarchy (parent-child) structure of my pages is gone
5Attributes column, needs a sub-setting to enable “visibility” on frontend
2Access to Events Tickets Attendee Table
1Refreshing list of products with ajax
1Default WooCommerce “Quick Edit” – Issue with the width
1Speed improvements needed for the inline editing
3If I enable HPOS, all the columns configured for Orders disappear
1How to inline edit a field with serialized data
2Updating a product title should automatically update the product slug
4Compatibility with WP Overnight “PDF Invoices & Packing Slips”
2When creating a new line for products, modify the default values
5Product Variations – Last Modified
1“Category” column for product – add feature to limit the number of selection
2How can we hide the bottom footer ?
1How can we disable the “sorting” of columns ?
1For price amounts, add support for formulas
2I don’t find the “related” or “upsell” in the list of columns for products
1In “Sale Price”, always enable by default “define based on regular price”
1In Products, how can we some filters added by default or by other plugins ?
1The “edit” pen icon takes too much time to load
1Show the column title on 2 rows, rather than taking lots of space horizontally
1Scope of the “priority” support by email?
1Bug – Impossible to cancel a scheduled sale price
Adding Line Breaks
1Order WooCommerce orders by meta field AND date
1Prevent public filters from beeing deleted.
5Setting Admin Columns to Use Any Custom Post Type
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