All Topics
Scope of the “priority” support by email?
1Bug – Impossible to cancel a scheduled sale price
Adding Line Breaks
1Order WooCommerce orders by meta field AND date
1Prevent public filters from beeing deleted.
5Setting Admin Columns to Use Any Custom Post Type
1Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
2inline edit changes author
1long urls!
1Enlarge Post image on mouseover?
1ACP slows down Admin “Product” Site
5Can’t get a response to support requests
1How to keep selected filter when change view
1Fatal error with Meta Box extension
3Suggestion: Implement Warning for Exceeding Character Limit Instead of Truncatin
1add new comments in bulk edit mode?
5Create a link / using ACF Pro
2Meta Box missing from Woo Order
1Auto load new posts without reloading the page
1ACF fields not shown
1Integration with HappyFiles (inline image editing)
2WooCommerce Reviews
1Number of Orders Completed Causes Collapse
1Filtering variations by product category excludes private products (WooCommerce)
Smart Filtering between dates
1Critical Error with Jetengine Relation between Same CPT with Inline Editing.
1Inline edit low on stock – used to be able to.
9Filtering users by taxonomy term – broken since 6.4+?
3Major Security Vulnerability – CSV injection
10The dash (-) before child pages are gone