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Uwe Fricke

Line break in gridview in admin pages-area?

Good day!

In the backend, under the “pages” section, I have created a custom field as an information field for important changes on the respective pages. It is a text area field from the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) app. Although ACF offers the option to enable line breaks for the text area field, this has no effect on the grid view. As a result, my notes become very difficult to read.

Is there a way to enforce the line breaks from the text field in the grid view?

Thank you for any help!

3 months, 3 weeks ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

The only way to change this behavior is when you use our `ac/column/value’ hook. I write a snippet for you that checks for an ACF column and the mentioned settings and alters the value to use instead of newlines.

add_filter('ac/column/value', function ($value, $id, AC\Column $column) {
    if ($column instanceof ACA\ACF\Column) {
        $acf_settings = $column->get_field()->get_settings();

        if ($acf_settings['type'] === 'textarea' && $acf_settings['new_lines'] === 'br' && $value) {
            return nl2br(get_field($column->get_meta_key(), $id, false));

    return $value;
}, 10, 3);

3 months, 3 weeks ago

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