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Denny Cave

Can we do “or” smart filters?

Is it possible to filter records with “or” logic instead of everything being “and”?

For example if I wanted to run a filter that would return:

Users with name “John”, who are “administrator” role OR “subscriber” role.

Right now the only way we can find to do that is to add a filter for name = “John” and role IS NOT x/y/z (listing all the roles besides administrator and subscriber)

2 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Unfortunately, this is currently not possible.
We do have a request for this for quite some time, so we can have another look at it if we can implement this in the future. But I can’t give a timeframe on that though.

2 years, 6 months ago
Denny Cave

Thanks Stefan, appreciate the confirmation!

2 years, 6 months ago

Hello any update on this topic? I’m stuck with that situation too. Thank you

2 months ago

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