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Christoph Gugel

Inline Edit not working properly

I have stored various delivery times in WooCommerce. As these change quickly for products shortly before Christmas, I have set the field as an inline edit.

However, if I now change the delivery time to a new value, it is not set. It remains at the last value or the default value.
What is the error here? And how can I fix it?

2 weeks, 2 days ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

This depends on how the data is stored and what type of column you’re using.
Can you send me an email to with the following:

– How is the data stored? Is it a custom field? What is the date format that is stored?
– Screenshot of the column setting for your delivery date
– Do you see an error when you edit the date on the table?

2 weeks, 1 day ago

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