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Douglas Shaw

Woocommerce Orders list

on a previous site I worked on that had your plugin. There was a column called B/O’s but on this new site with HPOS. there is no column available with this name.

I checked and the old site did not have a custom column or a create your own plugin installed. But B/Os? is listed in the dropdown.

is this something that can be added? and if so how?
As before all I had to do was select the value from the dropdown. But now it is not there.

please advise.

1 month ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hello Doug,

Our plugin does not have a column with the name B/O.
Maybe it was added by another plugin or maybe it was represented as an ACF column if you have any Custom Fields defined with that name? If the ‘B/O’ column is in the default section when you add a new column, it is most likely added by another plugin.

1 month ago

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