All Topics
Filter for multiple values (value IN …)
1Filter Dropdown not showing all values
1Custom Field: column could not be loaded due to unknown error
8Search not working in specific custom post type
1Unable to sort by featured (custom post type)
2Smart filtering dates not working since 6.4
3Date filter problem
2Dynamic Column Value
1Is it possible to deactivate logic?
3Unable to Access “Users”
5Feature suggestion in Block Patterns listing
2Inline edit changes cannot be translated by WPML
1Different columns for new admins
1Cannot enable bulk edit for Categories
1Global Conditional Formatting
4Compatibility Issue with Date Formats in Admin Columns Pro v6.4+ for ACF Fields
3Line breaks in ACF WYSIWYG field not displaying in inline edit
3Plugin updates with WP-CLI
3Custom User Role Capabilities “Not allowed to Access this Page”
1WooCommerce Variation Prices are sorted as text value
1License automatically renewed: Automatic updates are disabled
3and Admin Columns
1ACF and custom Fields
1survey field doesn’t allow bulk edit?
4Get cart total weight in orders page
2Filtering issues with custom post types
1Polylang integration
20Hook to inline edit
8Error with Toolset Type Checkbox when exporting
1Show SKU in grouped Product Column