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Brian Lord

Filter Dropdown not showing all values


We are using a plugin WP Store Locator ( Version 2.2.241 | By Tijmen Smit ) and when I try to use the City field as a “Filter”, the results of the filter dropdown list does not show all possible values.

There are 1023 items, and the list is only showing results from A to O ( that is a result across about 650 items )

Is there a limit to size of the Filter list?

9 months, 1 week ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I’m not familiar with the WP Store Locator plugin. Can you tell me the setup of your column for the City Field? Did you use our Custom Field column? If so, can you send me a copy of your setting? The Custom Field column does limit the number of items that are initially loaded to 500 items. But you can use the text field to search for specific values and it will be populated in the list.

9 months, 1 week ago

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