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Robert O’Shaughnessy

Can’t inline edit certain columns Admin Col Pro

I want to bulk edit job posts. type, location, featured and many other columns can’t be edited inline only the title and a new custom field I added.
How can I edit these fields which don’t give me a dropdown option in the setting page. All i see is a download option

8 months, 3 weeks ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Editing is only possible for the columns where we build the support.
For columns added by third-party plugins, editing is not available, unless we have specific support in our plugin.
I expect that is the case on your website. You could try to replace those columns with one of our columns. In many use cases, you could try to use our Custom Field column that allows you to show all data that is stored in the postmeta table.

8 months, 3 weeks ago

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