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Mitchel van Eijgen

ACF plugin turns it self off when I update the main plugin

I work locally on some WordPress websites or I have to sometimes manually update all plugins on a site. So what I usually do is check all plugins and with the default build in dropdown click update all plugins, but when I do this the ACF plugin will turn it self off because it is not compatible with the new version of Admin Columns Pro, this because the main plugin is first in the list so that one gets updated first. I don’t know for sure, but if you update the ACF plugin first it will also turn it self off because again that version is higher then the main plugin.

Would be nice if you could implement some leeway in the plugin version, so that one more or less in the version number is still compatible with the new version

Here is a screen recoding of what happens

2 years, 4 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your feedback.
Well, normally when you select all plugins to update, it should update all plugins, including the ones that are not compatible at the time of installation. But since we had a nasty bug in our updater where our plugins gives an error during the actual updated, this did not work as intended. This issue should be fixed from version 5.7.
So next time when you update our plugin(s) it should work as expected.

2 years, 4 months ago
Mitchel van Eijgen


2 years, 4 months ago

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