All Topics
Pro: Bug in class method 'CAC_Sortable_Model::get_meta_items_for_sorting'
3Feature Request: Filter by range, ie. for dates
2Modify sorting of meta column value
6Colum for Year in WordPress Backend
3ACF label and value sorting
4problem taxonomy filter
2Unable to add a column to woocommerce products
2You do not have sufficent permissions to access this page
2Inline Edit
4Set default sort option
1Incompatibility with WPML in Trash
5No sortable on the date of registration of members wordpress
1Nested Pages integration/compatibility
3Sorting acf column by price not possible?
1Inline edit shows old value after navigating back using the browser.
4WooCommerce addon conflict
1Update button not responding
4Can’t get column to show
2ACF Plugin doesn’t work
8ACF field add button
7Inline Edit question
1Fatal error in visiting wp-admin list that uses AdminColumns Pro
5Is it possible to add Filter option for ACF Relationship filed?
2Piklist custom statuses don’t show up in status column editor
2Child Page Mdash/Tick on Title field
1Filter taxonomies by 'show_ui' instead of 'public'
2Display title of Custom Field using its id
5How to translate these word?
7Search for text in custom fields
1InLine Edit Updates Inline Field but Does NOT Update the EDIT PRODUCT page Field