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Not possible to download Module


i’m a new subscriber.

The Pro Plugin is activated (version 3.8.7). I enter the license key on the settings pages.
Then, I’ve seen this message on all my pages in the admin panel : “Did you know Admin Columns Pro has an integration addon for Personnalisation avancée de champ? With the proper Admin Columns Pro license, you can download them from the addons page! ”

So i went to the modules page, and try to activate the first module “Personnalisation avancée de champ – Display and edit Advanced Custom Fields fields in the posts overview in seconds!”

and get this message : “Current susbcription does not allow the download of this addon. Please upgrade your licence at Admin Columns Pro.”

Is there something i forgot to do ?

8 years, 3 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Marjorie,

The message you see is a message to get the ACF addon for Admin Columns Pro. As you already found out, you cannot download this addon with a personal license. You’ll need at least a business developer license to download this addon from the addon page. So you can ingore this message or upgrade your license to get the advantages for Advanced Custom Fields.

If you want to stay at the personal license and want the notices to be gone, you can add the following line to your functions.php to hide the notices

add_filter( 'ac/suppress_site_wide_notices', '__return_true );

8 years, 3 months ago

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