Here we dive deep into the world of content management for WordPress. You will find tutorials, general tips, and product updates.

The Current Status On Development
It's been a while since we released an update of Admin Columns Pro and this article sheds some light on that. We are working on a major refactor and we decided to focus solely on that.
Save time editing Yoast SEO fields
Optimizing your posts and pages with Yoast SEO and Admin Columns saves you a lot of time.
Admin Columns 3.8 – Multiple column sets
We had a special focus this release. We have been working on a feature for quite some time now and we feel it is time to reveal it to the public. It's called "Sets" and it allows you to create sets of columns.
Admin Columns 3.6 – Filter by range and more WooCommerce columns
Admin Columns Pro now has support for ranged filtering for numbers and dates. We also added some handy columns for WooCommerce sales and orders per user and variations.
Release Admin Columns 3.5.1 – bbPress support, editable Yoast SEO and more
This version of Admin Columns brings support for bbPress and inline edit for Yoast SEO columns. In the settings screen, you can now easily identify which columns ship with WordPress and which are custom.
Admin Columns Pro 3.5 – New WooCommerce columns, filtering & sorting for users & comments, width slider and more
This brand new release focuses on filtering for users and comments and on WooCommerce support. Furthermore, we've added quite a few display options to existing column, allowing you to take more control over your columns.
Admin Columns Pro 3.3
Some great new features with this release. Inline editing support for Users ánd Media. You will be able to use inline editing for not only standard fields but also most of the add custom columns, including custom fields. And of course Advanced Custom Field columns!
Tips & Tricks: Easily filter out big media files
If your WordPress installation is running particularly slowly on some front-end pages, there's a few easy optimizations to consider. One of them is lowering the total size of the response from the server(s). To figure out which uploaded files in WordPress are slowing down your website, Admin Columns offers a simple solution.