Now Supporting The Events Calendar
We have a new integration for Admin Columns Pro: The Events Calendar (by Modern Tribe). With this plugin, you can create and manage Events with real ease. The Events Calendar is well-maintained, well-crafted and comes with awesome premium extensions. We asked ourselves: What information would be useful for these overview screens? Read on and see for yourself.
At a Glance
Creating events in an easy manner, is the main feature of The Events Calender. You can also create venues and organizations and relate them to your events. Have a look at the events overview screen after enabling our integration:
All relevant information is now visible at a glance. You can filter, sort and edit your columns from this screen. The new columns allow you to see which organizer is related to which event, which events start next month, sort your events by price, or something else for you to come up with!
We also added columns to the overview page of venues and organizers. Sort, filter and edit these columns, show the first upcoming event or show all events a venue or organization is related to:
Related Events
We have added a brand new feature to the overview page for venues and organizers. You can link to the events overview page by using the “Events” column. It will automatically filter it on the venue or organization you selected. After that, you can apply additional filters or sort the remaining events. You can also go back to the venue or organizer overview or remove the filter.
Start using The Events Calendar integration
When you use the integration for the first time you can decide if you want to enable our predefined columns. Choose “Yes” to enable our predefined columns, which we think showcase the possibilities of this integration very nicely. You can keep or modify these sets or just discard them.
We would love to get your feedback. Tell us what you think or which premium features you would like us to support in the next release.
That’s all for now, thanks for reading!
View changelog Admin Columns Pro – The Events Calendar add-on 1.0