Admin Columns 4: integrations for Types, Pods and Custom Fields Suite
It has been a while since we wrote this post. In it, we announced a new version of Admin Columns Pro that would pave the way for new features and integrations. In this post, we will discuss some of these new integrations for Types, Pods and Custom Fields Suite and explain why they are awesome.
One of the best features of Admin Columns Pro (in our opinion) are the integrations with WooCommerce and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF). An integration is a set of additional columns that are specially tailored for another plugin. For example, ACF has a ‘number’ field. With the ACF integration, Admin Columns knows exactly how to format, sort, filter and edit this field. Most ACF fields, even the complex ones like the image, relation and taxonomy fields, are supported in this manner.
When we started to code Admin Columns Pro we did not have integrations in mind. As a result, the process to create and maintain the integrations for WooCommerce and ACF is very time-consuming. With so many other cool plugins to support, however, we decided to rewrite some parts of Admin Columns and made it achievable to create and maintain more integrations. With Admin Columns 4, integrations for Types, Pods and Custom Fields Suite will be made available. We’ll briefly discuss each of these integrations below.
Each integration comes with most (if not all) field types fully supported.
Pods ( allows you to create custom post types, taxonomies, settings pages and supports more than 15 different types of fields. It has a large set of predefined lists for relations like countries, states and image sizes. This integration makes it possible to add columns for all of these fields. It even knows all of these possible predefined relations that comes with Pods to make inline edit your columns from the overview a breeze!
Toolset Types
Create custom fields for custom post types, taxonomies, and users with Types ( plugin. This integration allows you to create columns that support formatting, sorting, filtering and inline edit for any type of field. Even the multiple-instance option in Types is fully supported.

Inline edit support for multiple values
Custom Fields Suite
Custom Field Suite ( is a visual custom field plugin much like ACF with more than 12 field types. This integration allows you to create columns that support formatting, sorting, filtering and inline edit for any type of field. Even filtering for multiple values will be supported.
Admin Columns 4 is ready to integrate with virtually any plugin that adds custom content. Curious to try one of these integrations? Anyone with a valid license can log in to their account and grab any of the available betas. Be sure to tell us what you think! We would also love to hear which integrations you think are missing.