Example of a customized WooCommerce Products list table

No matter if you are managing just a simple blog or a WooCommerce shop filled with thousands of products – Admin Columns Pro can help you manage it better. Here you find an example of a customized WooCommerce Products list table.

Customize the WooCommerce Products list table by adding your own columns using Admin Columns Pro
Customize the WooCommerce Products list table by adding your own columns using Admin Columns Pro

Customize the Products list table

By default, the WooCommerce Products list table contains very basic information about each product. It shows it’s price, stock, image, SKU and that’s about it. But what about its’ dimensions, upsell products, shipping class or variations? This kind of product information (and many more) can be shown on the Products List table using Admin Columns Pro.

Products page with added columns for Dimensions, Weight, Shipping Class, and Upsells
Products page with added columns for Dimensions, Weight, Shipping Class, and Upsells

Available Columns

You can pick any piece of product information and add it to the WooCommerce Products list table.

Available columns: Attributes, Avarage Order Interval, Average Rating, Backorders Allowed, Catalog Visiblity, Categories, Coupons, Cross Sells, Customers Purchased, Date, Dimensions, Downloads, Featured, Gallery, Grouped By, Grouped Products, Image, Menu Order, Name, Orders, Price, Purchase Note, Reviews, Reviews Enabled, Sale, Shipping Class, Short Description, SKU, Sold Individually, Stock, Stock Status, Tags, Tax Class, Tax Status, Total Revenue, Type, Upsells, Variations, and Weight

You can also add columns for any product attribute, custom field or custom taxonomy term.

Filter Products

You can easily find products based on its price, attribute (e.g. color, size), stock or SKU with our smart filters. The filters are stackable and you can add as many as you like. Our filters work on any product property and fully support custom field data.

Filter products that are Low On Stock

For example, you want to know which products are low on stock. Simply add the filter “Stock” and set it to “smaller than 5”.

Filter products that are Low On Stock
Filter products that are Low On Stock

Filter products by color

Our filters also work on product attributes. We have a list of products with different colors. We will filter these products based on its color:

Filter products by color
Filter products by color

Stackable Filters

Filters are stackable: you can filter for products that are low on stock ánd have a specific color.

Save Filter Preferences for later use

Save a filtered list for later use. In this example, we created lists for “Heavy Items”, “Low On Stock” and “On Sale” products. When you return to the page at a later time you can select your preference from the dropdown menu.

Note Our filters work on any product property and fully support custom field data.

Quickly edit Product information

You do not need to open each product one at the time to make a change. By using “Inline Edit” you can update to your products directly from the WordPress list table.

Note Inline Edit works with Products ánd Product Variations

Bulk Edit Products

When you are dealing with a large number of products, bulk editing becomes essential. Whether you want to change the prices for a specific product range or you have new products coming in and you need to change the stock, it would be very time consuming if it wasn’t for bulk editing. Now you can just change all prices at once, and increase your stock in one go.

Bulk Edit Products
Bulk Edit Products

Increase Stock

In this example, we will set the correct Shipping Class for products that way less than 4 kg. Then we will increase all stock by 12:

Bulk Edit Price

Increase the price of all green t-shirts:

Learn more about bulk editing WooCommerce Products with Admin Columns Pro.


When you are managing a WooCommerce webshop with lots of products, you need an easy way to manage them all. Admin Columns Pro will save you countless hours by helping you to:

  • Display relevant product information on the list table
  • Filter and find any product from within the admin
  • Saving segmented product lists for later use
  • Making quick changes without opening each product one at the time
  • Bulk editing products at once


We can imagine you have a few questions.

  1. Does it work with custom eCommerce webshops?
    This depends on how the webshop is built. Probably yes, but it has to be made in WordPress and it has to use a post type for the product and the product data must be stored as metadata (in a custom field).
  2. Does it support custom product data fields?
    Yes, but the product data has to be stored as metadata (in a custom field).

  3. Does it work on any WordPress post type?
    Yes, any post type that is registered with WordPress can be managed by Admin Columns Pro.

  4. Does it work on the WooCommerce Orders list table?
    Yes, it also works on the orders page for WooCommerce.

  5. Does it work with WooCommerce Product Variations?
    Yes, Product Variations are fully supported. We have added a Product Variations List Table which lists all product variations. You can use filtering, inline editing and bulk editing for any product variation property.