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Kamuran Bildircin

Set Default Filter

Hi guys,

I’m biting my teeth on a problem. I have an ACF user meta with keyname “mno”. I would like to get only those users listed by default when calling users.php where mno is not empty. As I said: in general, when calling and when searching, but not only when searching. Is this feasible? If so, can someone tell me how?


3 years, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

At this moment, you can only set the filter and store it as a saved filter:

But this still requires you to select the saved filter every time you visit the page for the first time.
At this moment, we’re working on a new feature where you can set a saved filter as a default for a column set, and I think that is exactly what you’re looking for.

I also mentioned this in a previous topic from a customer that askes about a similar use case.

Specific layout for taxonomy term list

3 years, 7 months ago

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