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Etienne Delcambre

Specific layout for taxonomy term list

I am new to ACP, I just discovered it and it looks like a real great plugin!
I would like to automatically link a layout to a taxonomy term. First I set the taxonomy when the layout is selected, with that :

add_filter( 'parse_query', 'my_fema_crm_posts_filter' );
function my_fema_crm_posts_filter( $query ){
    global $pagenow;

    if(!$query->is_main_query() || !is_admin() || $pagenow != 'edit.php') :
    	return ;


    if(isset($_GET['post_type'])) :
        if($_GET['post_type'] == 'contact') :
        	if(isset($_GET['layout'])) :
        		if($_GET['layout'] == '60749abc4f46e') :

But I would also like to set the layout when the posts are filtered by taxonomy term (for instance on /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=contact&taxonomy=categorie_contact&term=accredite-2021 )

Is there a way to achieve that ?
Thanks in advance

3 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Etienne,

You’re so lucky, we’re currently working on that specific feature.
I think that it will perfectly fit your use case.

At this very moment, the last visited column set (layout) is already loaded when you visit the page again, so I think you don’t need to set this manually unless you have multiple layouts. We also have a feature called ‘Saved Filters’ that allows you to save the filters on the page for later use (it’s kind of a bookmarking tool).

But now comes the cool part. In the next big release, we’ll make it possible to set a saved filter as default for a column set. So this means that the next time you visit the page for a specific column set, all the filters are also applied automatically if you’ve set the save filters as a default for your column set. The Saved Filters must be set to public in order to set them as a default for a column set.

More information about Saved Filters can be found here:

My advice is to see if you already can use this to create an overview with the desired columns and filters applied with Saved Filters. Once you have that and update the plugin with the new feature, you can attach the saved filters to your column set and you’re good to go.

3 years, 6 months ago
Kamuran Bildircin


sounds good, when is this update coming?

Can this autofilter also be set so that it cannot be deselected (and ideally is not displayed) so it is set by default whether the user wants it or not?

Thank You and regards

3 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Steffen,

We’re working towards a final release so I hope we release it within the next two weeks.
At this moment, the auto filter feature as you describe by coincidence works for the WordPress search and drop-down filters, but for our Smart Filter feature, it does not work yet. This means you can set filters, saved them and attach them to a column set and use the Hide on Screen feature to disable the filters and search box. In that case, they cannot be deselected, but they can be overwritten by overwriting them in the URL.

3 years, 5 months ago

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