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search in custom fields and a display problem


I have 2 problems.
Our website requires a some personal data to be completed on registration. This data include real name, social security number, mobile phone and the membership number from our organisation.
The /wp-admin/users.php page looks like this:
I’d like to search members based on those personal data, i.e. searching for 0720000000 to show user ‘sssss’ (or even better, searching just for a part of the phone numbers to show all users containing tat caracters in phone numbers), but it doesn’t find anyone. It just searches for data in username and e-mail columns. A seach box for every column would work too (like having a search box for phone number, another one for name, etc. along with the already present @search users@ box.

The second problem is not a real issue, it just bothers me.
Before every username, there was a small picture of their avatar. It broke ~a month ago, showing a cross in Edge, a square in Firefox and nothing in Chrome. The avatars are still there, displayed on users pages, just the preview is broken.

Could you help me?

5 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius


Based on your question, I believe that our Smart Filtering feature would do what you want (available since Admin Columns Pro 4.4). Smart Filtering allows you to add a filter for every column you have, as long it is one of our supported columns. Our plugin does not do anything with the default Search field. If you’re running Admin Columns 4.3.8, you’ll need to download the latest version of Admin Columns yourself and do a manual install, since the update check is broken in that specific version.

About the second problem, I don’t think that has anything to do with our plugin. The column is a default WordPress column and the content of that column is therefore also managed by WordPress. You could try to disable our plugin and see if the column works then. If you see the image when our plugin is disabled, then it is an Admin Columns Pro bug and I’d like to have a look on your environment if that is possible. Please send any information to

5 years, 6 months ago

I have Admin Columns Pro 4.5.5.
Smart Filtering only appears in username and e-mail columns.

5 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I see, the column you’re talking about are added by yourself or by another plugin. Our plugin does not support pro feature for third-party columns, but based on the labels of your columns, I suspect they are just custom fields in the user_meta table.

In that case you could replace those columns with our ‘Custom Field’ column and search for the fields that represent that value, ‘phone’ for example. In that case, you can use our Smart Filtering feature. Can you try that and let me know if that works?

5 years, 6 months ago

These data is stored by Advanced XProfile Fields for BuddyPress plugin, in wp_bp_xprofile_fields table of database.
Phone number is field 16 and social security number is field 13 in this table.
The columns are listed on add columns > Type > Default group.
Add columns > Type > Custom Field > Field show like 200 fields but I can’t find any of the ones I need.

Also, I tried to add another custom field, billing_cnp from woocommerce. New column and new filter box are shown but it’s not what I want. It want to search and find users based on those data. I.e. search for phone number and find the user it belongs to.

5 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

In that case, I advise you to upgrade to the business license in order to use our BuddyPress integration. I can confirm that you can easily create columns for XProfile fields and even search on them using our smart filtering feature. You can upgrade your license from your account page and only pay the difference between the two licenses.

5 years, 6 months ago

Could you give me a trial or something to test it up?
24 hours should be enough

5 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Unfortunately, we don’t have any trail subscriptions so I can’t help you with that.
If you send me an email at, I can send you a beta version to try it out.

5 years, 6 months ago

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