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Saving filter options for a column set

We’re trying to make the default The Events Calendar admin view automatically filter to only show events for today and into the future. It looks like there is a “Start date is in the future” filter option, which is working great. But is there a way to save a set of filter conditions for a specific column set? We’d like to make it easy for our content editors so they don’t have to filter each time they go to the events view. We didn’t readily see a way to save the filtering conditions.

4 years, 6 months ago
David Mosterd


Within a single account, you can make use of segments:

We are also reworking it a bit so you can enable it for all users. That way I think you can achieve what you want: save the exact query (filters, sorting, search, etc.) and request that whenever needed. We also are thinking about having something like a default loaded segment.

Expect at least the ability to share segments with your fellow-users withing a couple of weeks. Maybe sooner, but we are still testing and tweaking it. So, can’t really promise any hard delivery date.


4 years, 6 months ago

Excellent! It would be great to have the option of specifying a saved filter (segment) as the default for everyone for a specific column set. That way, users could switch between column sets as the main “views” of the info. Then they could apply their own filters further if needed. Ultimately, a saved set of filters for each segment all users could access would be even better.


4 years, 6 months ago

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