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Make the Default view already be filtered?

We have a Pages admin area with over 300 pages. Some of these pages have a custom Taxonomy term. I am also using Admin Columns Pro to create filters, to help me easily see pages that have a certain Taxonomy term.

However, it would be ideal to have the initial/default view already have some of those filters applied. E.g., it would be nice if the default view was set to show only Pages that have a Taxonomy term of “Locations”.

Is something like this currently possible?

I’d like to avoid having to wait for the Pages admin area to load, and then have to manually choose those filter options. I’d like to have the filters already applied when I first come to the Pages admin table.

5 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

For Smart Filtering we have something called ‘Segments’.
This allows you to save a filtered overview page as a segment.
The downside is that this does not work for the older Filter drop-down menu’s.

Read more about segments on the following page.

Introducing Smart Filtering

Another workaround is to save the URL when you filtered the overview in your bookmarks. But of course, this is ok for your own usage, but not very user-friendly when you want to share the overviews with other users.

5 years ago

Yes, sorry for the confusion. The setup is using the Segments (Smart Filtering). I actually have quite a few Segments already created. However, my goal is to make a “Segment” view be the default view. Currently, I can make a custom view (with the main dropdown) be a default. But this still requires me to manually choose the desired Segment. Is there a way (without having to bookmark the Segment URL) to make the default view be one of the Segment views?

5 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hmm, unfortunately, I don’t see a workaround.
Underwater Segments are kind of Bookmarks, sending you to a prepopulated URL that contains all the filters.

5 years ago

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