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Jeff Maciorowski

Add Greater Than/Less Than conditions in Smart Filters?

I have certain columns that contain numerical information like part counts or year released. I would like to search for items that have parts greater than 500 or before the year 2000. Is there a way to do that?

5 years, 4 months ago
Tobias Schutter

Hi Jeff, our Smart Filters also support numeric values and will give you the option to use operators such as “smaller than”, “greater than” and a combination of the two.

Are you using the Custom Field column to display the part count? If yes, then make sure you put the Custom Field type to “number”. This will enable the extra operators to the smart filters.

5 years, 4 months ago
Jeff Maciorowski

I am using ACF field type which doesn’t allow me to set that option.

5 years, 4 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

What ACF field type do you use for that field?
Our ACF integration uses the ACF Fields settings to determine what type of search will be available.
If you use the ACF numeric field, you should have the numeric search operators as Tobias mentioned.

But if you use an ACF text field, you won’t have those options, since those operators don’t work on strings. If you use that field just for numeric fields, you could consider changing the field to a numeric field, or you could use our Custom Field column instead of the ACF column and set the Field Type to numeric. That way you can let our plugin handle the ACF field as a numeric field instead of a string field.

5 years, 4 months ago

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