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FoodCoop Neumarkt

Your subscription will end in 17 mins on February 5, 2021.

I saw that my subscription end.

I need a subscription only on 1 site.. How can I change this and start with a new subscription. I need admincolumns and woocommerce. I have a productive site ( and two staging sites at the same domäne.

I don’t like to pay for a staging site. What can I do. Other plugins allowed the activation at staging sites.

Best regards


PS: Additional question:

How can I add a button at order admin as action for sending a woocommerce email?

3 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hello Siegfried,

The single license can also be used on Staging and dev sites. When you try to activate the license on a staging or development website, our activation service should recognize it as such and should not count the activation towards your site limit. When you activate the license on your staging site, you should see a message that the site is activated and that the license was not counted towards the site limit.

You can renew your license on your account page for another year.

About your additional questions.
Our plugin does not allow you to add an extra button to perform specific actions. You’ll have write that part yourself by using the available WordPress/WooCommerce hooks.

3 years, 11 months ago

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