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Lim SungUp

Yoast bulk editing by admin column Pro

I am using Yoast.
I’m trying to use Yoast’s bulk-edit feature.

You can see the table by clicking the Yost > Settings > Bulk Editing function in the WordPress menu after installing the Yost.

I want to use the admin column because it is too uncomfortable to control the Yoast table.
How can I make it possible?

3 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your feedback.
Please notice that there is a difference between the Yoast bulk edit feature and our bulk- and edit feature.
Our bulk edit feature allows you to change a value for all selected items to the same value. The bulk edit feature in Yoast enables you to set a different title/description for each post but still make it unique for each post. That feature looks more like our Inline Edit feature, although our models are not opened by default.

I recommend adding the Yoast title and description columns to your page and use our inline edit feature to change the value for your posts. Our plugin does not work on the Yoast bulk edit pages.

3 years, 11 months ago
Lim SungUp

Yep I got it.

thx. your kind reply.

3 years, 11 months ago

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