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Wpmudev – membership 2 pro

Hello, I have a site with private membership, I use membership 2 pro plugin.

This plugin not have a specific user meta to give me a value if a user is active or no. But in user list I have a option to show a column with membership of each user.

If I try to export my user column list, the column with membership value is empty.

Can you help me? I have bought the business version of your plugin only for this export feature :/

Many thanks

6 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi there,

So if I understand you correctly, the column that gives you the information needed, is added by the WPMUDev plugin right? Unfortunately, our export feature only works with columns we created or with default WordPress column. We’re looking for a way to support third-party columns as well, but because of the way WordPress displays the column values, this is not so simple.

If you know how the value for this column is determined based on a user ID, you should be able to use the following filter:

Can you let me know if you are able to use this filter on your website?

6 years, 5 months ago

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