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Calvin Yim

WPML with Admin Columns Pro + ACF broken

hi there, i am using latest WPML and Admin Columns Pro, when i add a ACF column with my default language it is fine, however when i switch to other language, since the WPML give a different field id, it will reset the original language ACF column to other field and stated the previous “The previous selected option field_id no longer exists”

5 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Since WPML uses some hooks to alter the ACF field ID per language, and our plugin is not aware of that WPML logic it conflicts with the WPML logic. In order to make it work, we need to write a specific integration for WPML, but unfortunately, that is not on our roadmap on this moment.

As a workaround, you could consider creating different column sets per language. You’ll need to set them up per language as well, of course.

5 years ago
Calvin Yim

thanks, how can i do that? since when i change/ del the column on one language, the other languages will changes/del too? is there an option to desync?

5 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

First, have a look at our column set feature. The idea is to create a column set per language. To do that per language do as follows:

1) Select the language in WPML that you want to use for your column set
2) Go to our settings page and create a new column set
3) Setup your columns as you like and save the column set (give it a name that contains the language)

Repeat these steps per language.
In order to use the column set per language, you can first select the language and next, you want to select the desired column set as you need to change it for each language.

5 years ago
Calvin Yim

thanks, i tried and it is too much hassle if i just want to change single field, i have switch that custom field to taxonomy for language sync

5 years ago

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