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WPML issues


When using inline edit to edit posts for example changing the post status it only changes the English version and then causes the other language versions to be out of sync for example the Spanish version then will stay published if the English version was changed to draft.

WPML is the largest translation plugin could you look to be compatible with this?


1 year, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

There are currently no plans to build specific integration for WPML like this.
We have to pick our integrations carefully.
Depending on how the other languages are updated and more specifically what triggers that, you could have a look at this hook in our plugin that fires when a value is changed with our (inline) edit feature.

Maybe updating the post as in line #47-#59 might be sufficient to trigger the logic in WPML to update the other languages as well.

1 year, 5 months ago
Fabian Suter

I’ve the exact same problem. Inline edit is not working with wpml. I had the same with a custom URL field.

1 year, 5 months ago

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