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Alona Zisser

WPML column on products table

I have added the WPML column on the admin columns set and it is showing when I am logged in with my user (The initial administrator-0)
but all other users are not able to see the column and I cannot figure out why…
The users are all Administrators and using the same columns set.
I also tried to change the set name and create a new one, I have checked if there is osme king of configuration on the WPML plugin but didn’t find anything that can fix the problem.
I am really clueless and I would like to have your help please.

4 years, 1 month ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I’m not 100% sure because I’m not so familiar with WPML, but I though that the WPML column added by WPML is a dynamic column. You could try to disable our plugin and see if the column shows on your own page and when you switch to another user. If without our plugin the column is also not available on the other user accounts, then you also won’t be able to use our plugin to set that specific for all users. All logic to show or hide columns on specific conditionals by third-party plugins are still applied, even if you add the column to the page with our plugin.

4 years, 1 month ago

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