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wpCourseware colums not showing

I have been working with Admin Columns and wpcourseware together for along time now with no problems, but now when Admin Columns is activate it removes all the data from the WPcourseware fields. this is essencial to have for the tutors to be able to track students. please advice on what i can do to get back the columns as – as of this moment in time – i can only deactivate the plugin to get the data to display

Kind Regards

7 years, 6 months ago

I have the exact same issue – no columns showing up since the upgrade.

7 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

We’re working on this issue right now.
It’s a more global issue that removes default columns by other third party plugins and we’re trying to find out what is causing it.

For the time being you could consider to download the latest 3.* version from our website when you login to your account.

7 years, 6 months ago

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