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WP Job Manager & Admin Columns

I was trying to use admin columns with the wp job manager plugin and the custom post type “Listings”.

I can only reorder the columns, the filter, sort and inline edit options are unavailable. Is there a way that I can make the options available with the custom post type?


9 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Frank,

That’s correct. Most plugins already add their own columns, sometimes with some extra logic. These default plugin columns we leave intact and only offer the ability to reorder those columns. To enrich them with sorting, editing and filtering functionality, you’ll have to remove those plugin fields and add new columns ‘our’ way.

The best way is to add the new columns with the ‘Custom Field’ type to your overview. Then in the new dropdown ‘Custom Field’ you should see and select the metafields the plugin uses. You can even choose what kind of data the field has.

I hope this will help you any further.

9 years ago

Thank You, this was helpful

9 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

You’re welcome

9 years ago

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