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Woocommerce product Parent category do not register

I would need top inline edit parent product category.
I activated Admincolumn for woocomemrce product categories.

2 problems:
1/ When selecting parent category in inline editio, it last abou 30 s to show popup menu (i have only46 categories)
2/ When finaly manage to select a parent category, parent category is not always registered.

Any ideia ?

6 years, 4 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your feedback.
Does it take more than 30sec that the popup really displays or before the drop down in the popup is populated?
Just to be sure, we’re talking about the ‘Parent’ column on the WooCommerce Product category overview page, right?

The drop down in editing should only show categories that are allowed to be a parent. When it does not register, do you see an error on the screen? Maybe a Javascript error in your browser’s console? Or do you have this issue randomly or only when you select a specific category?

I don’t have an idea right now what could be going wrong and I can’t reproduce the issue on my local environment, so any more input is welcome. If it would be ok, I could have a look at your test or staging environment if you have any. In that case, please send any information to and we can continue this issue from there.

6 years, 4 months ago

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