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Elod Czako

Woocommerce Product list stuck forever in bulk edig


editing a list of 126 items, I got stuck for ever. I wanted to add a custom attribute to them. They addition worked with 20 items (it took like 1.5 minutes to do so). After 140 minutes of wait I gave up.

What is the solution guys? This makes this plugin pretty useless if it fails to work with 126 items.


4 years, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Can you give me some more information about your environment and send it to me at
Do you have a lot of products in your shop? 1.5 minutes for 20 items is indeed insane. But our bulk option saves the value for each post separately since it also checks the permission for each product. / post.
Is it correct that you try to add a custom attribute (instead of using taxonomy attributes?

4 years, 7 months ago
Elod Czako

I can provide you an admin user if it would serve this.
Would it help if I send you the Elementor debugger text?

I found some weird wait times. There are 156 products with 3 variations each.
I currently don’t know what’s the difference between the taxonomy and custom variables. If I have to guess, I used custom ones. They were necessery because the Elementor widget I used were unable to filter products based on stock availability so I have created a stock attribute and traversed the data there as well.


4 years, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

It would be great if you have a test/staging environment where I can get access to so I can try some things.
Please send any information to the email given above.

4 years, 7 months ago

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