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What types of columns can be exported to CSV?

Are there known limitations on which types of columns can be exported to CSV? I notice that columns labeled ‘Default’ in the Add Column interface do not currently show up in the CSV file.

7 years ago
Tobias Schutter

Hi, we made all the columns that come with Admin Columns exportable, including WordPress default columns and also the ACF and WooCommerce columns. We are currently working on the other integrations, like Pods and Types. This should be released soon.

The ‘default’ columns you mentioned must be columns that are either defined by a plugin or in your theme. To make it less confusing I will call them ‘custom defined’ columns because all WordPress default columns, like Title and Date, are exportable.

These ‘custom defined’ columns are currently not supported because they are custom made by either yourself or a theme/plugin author and their output is not controlled by Admin Columns. We are looking for a way to export these columns as well, but it’s technically quite a challenge. We do have it on our roadmap, but I can’t give out a release date yet.

You can track this issue on GitHub if you like. Once we support this we’ll also send out a newsletter.



7 years ago

Thanks for the explanation – These do appear to be custom-defined columns, and I now see that they are all organized under Custom Fields in the Admin Column selection interface.

7 years ago
David Mosterd


Can you perhaps send us an email ( with a screenshot of this? If they are custom fields that use regular meta and managed with Admin Columns, they should be exported.


7 years ago

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