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Use in custom plugin


We have a WooCommerce site and we heavily rely on the WC native upsells feature.
The way WC has it out of the box is that in order to link products, you need to start typing the name of the product and search for it.

What we’re trying to do is show a grid of products and allow the user to choose from a list of products.
The user should be able to filter the list of products by category, price, brand etc.
The user should be able to check off (single and bulk) products that should be set as upsells.

We would want the product grid to use and leverage the admin columns plugin.

My question is how do we create the columns for this new list screen and embed it in our code so that we can get that grid to show up where we want it on the product page.

Hope this is clear enough.

2 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Do I understand you correctly that you will create your own page/table using the WP List Table?
Our plugin does not work on custom pages with custom WP List Tables.
At this moment, it only works on default (custom) post types, user, terms, and comment pages.

Or are you planning to use the default Product page and extend it with your custom logic?
Feel free to send me some screenshots at your use case to

2 years ago

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