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Unable to change Author in bulk on Custom Posts Type

We have a custom post type – Slides – added author as an admin column. Changing in bulk doesn’t work. when we select all, hit update, nothing happens. please advise. is this a bug. we noticed this a while ago, like 6 months ago, but only reporting this now.

4 years, 6 months ago

Also, I want to add, enabling inline editing on Author Column doesn’t work. I am not able to inline edit the author column.

4 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

There are no known issue for that column, and it seems to work ok on my local environment.
Maybe you have some custom logic in your theme/plugin that prevents the storage of the author page.
We use the wp_update_post() method to alter the author, and that methods run through several hooks. I kind of suspect that there must be something in your codebase that sets the author on save.

If that is not the case, can you confirm that inline editing does work for other fields on your overview?
Also, do you see an error when you’re trying to change the author with inline/bulk editing?

4 years, 6 months ago

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