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Wayne Hesler-Mondore

Triggering an Email

Hello all,

Is it possible to trigger an email based on a ACF drop down select in the admin orders page? I want to use a dropdown for in-house status that when changed triggers an email to be sent similar to the woocommerce does it on order status change.

We appreciate you!,
Stephen and Wayne Hesler-Mondore
HM Design

1 year, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hello Stephen,

Thanks for your message. Our plugin does not provide a column or way that fires some sort of trigger based on an action. But let me try to give you a possible solution for your use case.

Say that you have a status column that is created with our plugin that allows you to edit the status with inline edit. You could write your own logic to send an email after the value is changed with editing with this hook:

With that hook, you know what column was changed and you’ll have the new value for that field/column. With that information, you could trigger your own function that sends a specific email. I hope this makes sense and will help you to implement the solution for your use case.

1 year, 5 months ago

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