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Gey Lang

Timezone Issue

Hi team,

Admin Columns Pro is pretty for what it does, however we are encountering a very critical problem with it.

We displayed a custom field “expiry date” in the columns provided by a plugin “Post Expirator”, and we think we can update it in-line, however as it appears to be updated in the columns the date is not really taken by the Post Expirator plugin.

More critically, ever since we tried to update that, something strange happens: previously the Post Expirator defaults to GMT+8 timezone, while after we used Admin Column Pro it totally become UTC and we have nowhere to change it back in settting – I suspect it is coded somewhere in ACP’s files.

The latter issue is really business stopping as we rely on these dates and times to collect our revenue.

Please help us! Thanks!


4 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Our custom field column is a one-fits-all solution for managing custom fields on the overview.
It does not know the context of the custom field where it’s living. By default editing for that field is not possible until you’ve changed it in the settings page with a link to this page.

Especially for date fields, the format matters. And there are a lot of date formats!
Unfortunately, because of legacy, our plugin by default uses the ACF format Ymd (without dashes) and that is not a much-used format for many plugins. A better format would be Y-m-d H:i:s or a timestamp/
Since we have no options for that to set in the custom field column, the only way to store the right format during inline editing, is by using one of our hooks.
You can use this hook for that:

You’ll need to check for the correct column and completely overwrite the value to the format you want.
Let me know if you have any further questions.

4 years, 5 months ago

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