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Yolanda Lippens

The hierarchy (parent-child) structure of my pages is gone

Hello support,

Since I’m a Pro user the hierarchy of the parent-child structure of my pages is gone. I have many pages which have a parent-child structure and would like to see the – dash in front of the post name, which also keeps all the child pages together which belong under a parent page.

What can I do to show these structures again in my post list?

Yolanda, NL

1 month ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Yolanda,

The default hierarchy display in WordPress is gone once you sort on a column. Since our plugin stores the last sorting action as a user preference, I suspect this is the case on your table. There should be a ‘Reset Sorting’ button on top of the table and when you click that, the default sorting will be back. Can you try this and let me know if that did not fix the issue?

1 month ago
Yolanda Lippens

Yes, that worked, how simple!

Thanks for the quick response!

Yolanda, NL

1 month ago
Yolanda Lippens

P.s. is it possible to keep the dash intact when the sorting is changed by the plugin? Maybe a suggestion for future updates?

1 month ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

For the last request, displaying a dash when the page is sorted by any column other than the default WordPress behavior could be quite confusing. The dash is meant to indicate a hierarchical relationship, showing that the item is one or more levels deep in relation to the item above it. However, when sorting by other fields like date, this relationship no longer applies. In such cases, the dash could misleadingly suggest that the item is still related to the one above it, which is almost certainly not true.

4 weeks, 1 day ago
Yolanda Lippens

Hello Stefan,
You are absolutely right about that. Could there be another way to mark the ‘child’ pages?

4 weeks, 1 day ago

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