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The filter boxes moved to the bottom of the user table

After an update, one of the essential filter box (user status [approved/ denied]) was moved to the bottom of the user table. And Create New Segment form moveв aside. See the screenshot:

How can I customize it? In my opinion, a better solution is to places all filter boxes to the expandable tab (like an accordion) on the top of the table.

6 years ago
Tobias Schutter

Hi, which plugin is adding your filter menu for user status?

6 years ago

I’m having a similar issue where an existing filter for a custom metadata field is briefly displayed and then hidden (by CSS?) after upgrading to 4.4. Reverting to 4.3.8 fixes it.

6 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius


So you have this issue on the User overview page or on a Taxonomy overview page?
This issue is fixed for the upcoming release.

6 years ago

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