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William Perry

Taxonomy Columns Not Showing All Options

When doing inline edits on custom PODS taxonomy columns, the dropdowns do not show all of the options. For example, I have a taxonomy that contains 83 items, but only 74 are showing, in another I have 98 items and only 59 are showing in the dropdown. When I type into the dropdown though, the results show up and I’m able to select an option that way. I should be able to scroll and see all the options though. I tried disabling ALL other plugins and still had the issue.

I have Admin Columns Pro Version 5.6.4, Admin Columns Pro PODS 1.6.1 and PODS Version in WordPress 5.9 with PHP 8.

2 years, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your feedback.
It sounds like some inconsistent behavior.
How did you count the number of items in the list? Just manually?
I’m not able to reproduce the issue, but we use the WP_Term_Query to retrieve the items with 30 items per page. Maybe you have some custom code that hooks into the wp_term_query?
By default, the query hides items that don’t have any posts related (hide_empty) but we set this on false when searching the inline editing. Can you confirm that the items that you miss, do have posts already attached to them?

2 years, 7 months ago
William Perry

I counted the number of taxonomies in the lists by hand again, and we found out that the lists are only showing 59 items (so not 74 and 59 as we said before, both columns show JUST 59 each). All the taxonomies (except one, which does display in the list properly) have associated posts, as they’re not usually added to the site until they are needed. We checked and are not using WP_Term_query anywhere on the site.

2 years, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for the clarification.
Based on the number (and assuming that there were 60 items with uncategorized included) it is a plural of 30 which is the number of items displayed per page. I tested it again with fewer items on my own environment and it seems that only a second page was loaded if there were more items but never more than that. In the end it turned out that our logic to recognize the last page was not work good and only gave true for the second page. This is fixed for the next release.

In the meantime, you could raise the number of items that is fetched per page with this hook.

add_filter( 'get_terms_args', function( $args ){
	if( 'acp_editing_request' !== filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'action') ){
		return $args;

	$args['number'] = 100;

	return $args;
2 years, 7 months ago
William Perry

We used the code you sent and it fixed the problem while still in Version 5.6.4. Thank you!

2 years, 6 months ago

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