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Support for Formidable Forms?

Would be great to see an addon for formidable forms (frm) to edit the formsubmissions (entries) in the table overview instead of editing each entry one by one. The “problem” with FRM is that they store the entries not as posts but in an own table:
Therefore this might be tricky. But maybe you can team up with them and sell it as premium addon. There would be a lot of user interested in – trust me:

6 years, 10 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Philipp,

Thanks for your feedback. At this moment we don’t have the focus on developing any more integrations for Admin Columns Pro. An integration for FRM would take up much time to develop since you already said, they use their own database tables. I can discuss it with the team, but right now we don’t develop any more integrations for plugins that don’t have a userbase of at least 1 million users.

6 years, 10 months ago

I second this. Support for Formidable Forms would be super helpful.

5 years, 2 months ago

A “third”.

4 years ago

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