Speed improvements needed for the inline editing
Currently, when an inline edit is saved, the popup of the inline edit remains open and shows a loading circle. Once the loading circle has stopped, the popup will close and the cell will appear yellow until the change is processed.
We suggest you the following : when an inline edit is saved, it’s better to close immediately the popup, so that for each inline edit we save about 5 seconds (because we have a heavy site), so we don’t have to wait for this processing, it can happen in the background we don’t have to wait for it and we can move on to the next inline edit
Also, the reason why we ask for this suggestion is that if you try to be very fast in the inline editing, your plugin is not very good to allow us be fast. Take the following example.
1 Click on “Add New Line”
2 When the line appears, click on the pen to edit the name
3 Edit the name of the product, and save
4 Immediately click on the pen to edit the price
Once the price popup will appear, the price popup will close by itself because the process running in the background for changing the product name has finished in the meantime. So it’s really annoying, we can proceed the next inline edit as long as the previous inline edit has fully completed. We lose time, especially that we have 1000 products to encode…
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