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Sorting working only once…

Hello, I have installed ACP, but for any reason, I can not sort properly by clicking on the columns titles.
Sorting have been enabled on each field, when I click on the title, first sorting works (sorting Z -> A) but when I click again, it does not works, I can not get A -> Z sorting. this problem happens with most of fields, see following screenshot video capture :

3 years ago

Hi Stefan,
Thanks for your quick reply.
Yes URL toggles between order=asc and order=desc.
When I deactivate your plugin, the fields do not appear anymore because they were created by your plugin, so I can not try to sort anymore because fields are not visible, see below:
– screenshot with your plugin activated:
– screenshot with your plugin decativated (custom fields not visible):
– screenshot of setup:

3 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Can you check if the order param in the URL changes when clicking the sorting link?
It should toggle between order=asc and order=desc. If this param changes but the order does not change, it probably means that something on your website is forcing either the ascending or descending sorting. This could be caused by a third-party plugin or by custom code in your theme.

Just to be sure it is not related to our plugin, can you deactivate our plugin and sort on a column that has the issue with our plugin enabled, and see if you can still reproduce the issue without our plugin activated.

3 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply.
Yes URL toggles between order=asc and order=desc.
When I deactivate your plugin, the fields do not appear anymore because they were created via your plugin, so I can not try to sort anymore because fields are not visible.

3 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Can you add a default column that is sortable, like the Title or Date column, and check the steps I mentioned before?

3 years ago

Just tested, indeed problem remains on Title field even when your plugin is deactivated, so I guess the problem is elsewhere…
Thanks again for your quick support.

3 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

You’re welcome. Good luck finding the cause of the issue.

3 years ago

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