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Filip Wiltgren

Sorting JetEngine Plug-in Lists


I just got AC with the JetEngine plug-in, and for the various post and custom post types, it works like a charm.

However, I’m primarily looking to sort the JetEngine plug-in tables, that is the Listings List, the Queries List, the Post Types List, etc. all of them found under the JetEngine menu item in WP. If possible, I’d also like to be able to add columns to those lists.

Is that doable using AC?

Thanks in advance!

2 years, 3 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Filip,

All the pages in JetEngine plugin aside from their ‘Listings’ page are created in a custom table. This means that our plugin won’t work for those pages and never will because our plugin only works on the WP_List_Tables. You should be able to add columns to the listing overview page, and you could try to replace their original column with our Custom Field column in order to use our Filtering, Sorting, Editing feature

2 years, 3 months ago

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