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Sorting IP Address Field


I have a WooCommerce column that displays the user/customer’s ip address from which they purchased our online product.

I have toggled this field type from text to number to multi value.

When ever I sort the column I get zero results or the Orders View shows no results or shows no orders.

The syntax for these ip addresses are as follows

These are all numbers only and no text.

If someone could give me a hint or a clue as to how I can make this ip address field/column sortable this would be much appreciated.



7 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Rob,

Can you tell me a bit more about your IP column?
Since we don’t have an IP column, I suspect that you store the IP address yourself on an order and use our ‘Custom Field’ column to make it available on your WooCommerce Order overview, is that correct? I will try to reproduce the issue but I need more information on your setup. You could also contact me at or I could have a look at your environment if that is possible.

7 years ago

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