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Sorting AC conflict with filtering

I am using AC Pro in woocommerce mainly and i noticed if i use the AC filters and then i try to filter by category or doing any search the result is “No product found”. The moment I hit the “reset sorting” button the results appear.
I understand that it is a bug but I build the site for the client and it is quite an annoying error. If i do something wrong please correct me. Checked the settings tested it with options ticked and unticked, no change.

7 years, 1 month ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius


There are some sorting/filtering combinations that indeed do not work very well together. Can you send me an email at with the exact scenario you use to sort and filter? Besides that, do you use another plugin to enrich the default search of WordPress? Or maybe use some filters (WP Hooks) in your theme that might conflict with the product overview?

7 years, 1 month ago


Unfortunately looks like one of my main plugin indeed has some sorting features and that has a conflict with you plugin.
I contacted the developer to see what he can do about it, since your sorting feature is something I would like to use more but his has some features what is quite necessary.
Thank you for the quick reply, I will get back to you in case I need some support from your end as well.


7 years, 1 month ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your feedback. I will close this ticket for now, but please let me know if you need any more help.

7 years, 1 month ago

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