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Some 3rd party custom fields not displayed

When adding a new column to a page list/user list, Admin Columns plugin is not showing all the custom fields in the drop down list. It only shows some custom fields created by other third-party plugins (namely Ultimate Members and Toolset).

I know there is an integration plugin for Toolset, but not for Ultimate Members. Some of Ultimate Members’ custom fields are showing in Admin Columns but not all.

Is there a way to solve this problem (such as an auto-scanning for custom fields or something like that)?

6 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

There is not really a limitation on which custom fields are available in our custom field column. We just scan the database for every used custom field for the post type (or user/taxonomy) you’re on. So there should be no reason that there are missing custom fields on the user screen. Can you please check the following:

1) Check if there is at least one record (user) available for the custom field that has this field populated
2) Check if the custom field you’re expecting is indeed a custom field available in the usermeta table in the database.
3) Check if the custom field is not a related custom field. Our plugin cannot add a custom field for post on a user page for example.
4) Just make sure that you check both custom field groups (hidden and public custom fields)

Can you let me know if this works?

6 years, 6 months ago

After 3rd party plugin updates, and re-editing and saving the values of custom fields seem to have done the trick. Now it’s working normally.

6 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for the feedback, great it works as expected :)
I will close this topic.

6 years, 6 months ago

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