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Smart Filter & ACF fields?

Does the smart filter stuff work fully with ACF fields?

I have an ACF field group on a Taxonomy, which works.

And Admin Columns Pro can see all the taxonomy’s ACF fields, I have set them to show on the listing.

But, when it comes to using the filter, the dropdown contains only “Custom Field” and standard fields.
Also, this doesn’t really work. When I type a “contains” value for “Custom Field”, the WordPress taxonomy listing returns terms whose *title* contains that string, not where a Custom Field contains that string.

Conversely, smart filter on a Post listing seems to work okay/better, showing an actual ACF field name available in the dropdown. And the filtering works okay.

5 years, 11 months ago

Also, I’m not really sure the standard filter dropdown is working either.

My dropdown (the one with class name acp-filter) is showing “Any Tags” corresponding to the “Tags” field for an ACF Checkbox. When I change the value, what should happen? In my case, nothing does.

5 years, 11 months ago

It would be nice to show the values of ACF multiple-value fields in the same way that WordPress native taxonomy term/multiple-value fields are shown…

I think the difference between multi-terms list (a custom taxonomy column added through Admin Columns Pro)…

… and these Admin Columns Pro column for multi-value ACF fields…

… is clear to see.

The latter is:

a) a bit more cluttered (standard WordPress separation appears to be a comma, not a bullet)

b) lacks the hyperlinks which could take the user to the constrained page listing for that value. I would find this much quicker than getting to the equivalent page via a Smart Filter.

5 years, 11 months ago

To get around the original problem, I have simply decided to surface the pertinent ACF Checkbox fields which were within an ACF Group at the top level, outside of the Group, instead.

But my last points about my faulty filter dropdown and my general feedback are relevant.

5 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Robert,

Thanks for all your feedback.
I tried to reproduce the issue on my local environment with the latest versions, but it seems to work find on my environment.

Based on your first message where you say that when you search on a custom field with the contains operator it looks like the page search for the title, it seems that there is something else that also hooks on the tax query. Do you maybe have another plugin or something in your theme that does something search related or alters the WP_Query (to be specific the Tax_Query in this case?).

Or do you have a staging environment where you can try the behavior with just ACF and our plugin installed for your taxonomy overview pages?

5 years, 11 months ago

1. Re: ACF fields inside a group not showing

I’m skirting around this now by raising the fields up to field group level, not putting them in an interior group.

2. Re: standard “Any” filter dropdowns not doing anything.
Yes, plugin conflict occurred to me.

I have just disabled…
Bulk Delete
Bulk Move
Bulk Term Remover
Custom Bulk/Quick Edit
Date Range Filter
Term Management Tools
Post Type Switcher
WP Bulk Delete

But, still, nothing happens when I change the Any dropdown option. I presume the list should auto-refresh?

Wait a minute…
Now I see a “Filter” button beside the “Add Filter” smart filter button. Either disabling one of the above has made this visible again, or I didn’t notice it amid all the buttons. It’s the “Filter” button that actions the “Any” dropdown switch, right?

Just re-adding some…
Bulk Term Remover
Taxonomy Convertor
Term Management Tools

… “Filter” button remains on screen.

In fact, in my own screen grab above, I can see the “Filter” button was showing. So, it’s just my fault – I didn’t see it in all the UI. It’s weird, because that “Filter” button is slightly divorced from the actual dropdowns which relate to it – they are separated by the “Bulk Actions” dropdown, which is unrelated…

I think that’s a reason for my confusion

Happy with that for now.

3. Re: value separation in multi-value ACF cells

Any thoughts about syncing up presentation with WordPress’ native method?
Or also about options for shortening the cell when there are a lot of values, like…

5 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

1) ACF Group fields are not supported yet. It’s on our roadmap though.

2) By default, there are no hooks and filter options available by default on Taxonomy overview pages. So we had to do some tricks to make it available on taxonomy overviews as well. In this case, we add the filter button ourself but we don’t want two filter buttons for both smart filtering or filtering. So right now only the filter button for smart filtering was added to the overview page.

3) We don’t want to put such behavior by default to our columns or an extra setting to manage that in the columns settings. But if you really want to shorten the length of your columns, you could a) Enable horizontal scrolling (enable through the screen options menu) or use the following filter and do the truncation yourself:

5 years, 11 months ago

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